L.Constance photography 提供專業及貼心的攝影服務, 以獨突的攝影風格,自然光和創意捕捉每個最保貴的回憶,紀錄當下的一切, 讓大家將來重溫當日的感動,能夠回味永遠絕版的時刻。 拍攝服務:小朋友/家庭/商品/portfolio 等等,歡迎查詢! 歡迎瀏覽本facebook專頁/WEB/instagram: Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/LCo

Router management is critical to your enterprise network. As networks become more complex, technology has evolved to become far more sophisticated and carry out several important tasks that keep commu

A Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Data Center (CCIE Data Center) professional is responsible for planning, design, implementation and management of the complex modern IT data center infrastructure
t商業 / 撰稿tekyworld

Management 在台灣我們對 物業管理、房地產、保安管理、物聯網皆有豐富專業知識及高效率團隊合作,深受各界信賴與好評。 我們擁有前瞻思維、極重視客戶關係,務求成為物業管理市場領導者, 以專業、熱忱、負責、積極、創新的專業團隊,達到客戶所交付的任務使命。

skywalk specialized in different industries such as automobile, fashion, telecom, IT, business consultants, medical, entertainment, Model Management and event management, retail, food & beverage, ed

專業撰稿員。為香港中小企業及個人提供網站架構設計建議及網站內客撰寫,按字數收費,$1/中、 $2/英,多年媒體、廣告撰寫經驗。SEO,SEM,CONTENT MANAGEMENT 另代寫書信、學校求位信、申請文件。
商業 / 撰稿專業撰稿員

Pyrmont Wealth Management
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Professional Make-up Service available | Based in Hong Kong | In collaboration with C.Y. Fan Photo (www.cyfanphoto.com) | Fashion, Sports, Event Make-up with hairstyling | Professional Portrait Photog
美容 / 化妝CY Fan MUA

Full service event management firm . Our professional event team composed of expertise in event marketing, concept development, production and design.

Highly sought after Tower 2 apartment with Full Sea View and Modern decoration. Current Tenancy agreement expires 31/01/21 with rent payable HK$57k per month inclusive of management fee
R物業地產 / 住宅買賣RAYMOND CHOI

1. Economics經濟, BAFS補習, BAFS(Acc) 補習, BAFS Management, 通識補習Liberal Studies 5**級補習老師 / 私人補習 2. 前Band 1中學任教Economics, BAFS, 通識科, 該校為全香港Top 5 (通識科33%人以上Level 5 or the above) 3.
c設計 / 產品設計chriswongdsetutorial

課程包括四次主題模擬面試, 舉辦兩次免費家長講座,第一次主題為《如何準備面試》,第二次為《如何製作 portfolio》
教學進修 / 幼兒教育First Education Centre

業務presentation,產品目錄,個人portfolio等等都可以用 PPT解決
設計 / 平面設計PowerpointX


Our team, specializes in Corporate and PRC businesses

Asia Pacific Innovative Business Strategy and Human Capital Management Consultancy
a商業 / 顧問ascenassofp

Asia Pacific Innovative Business Strategy and Human Capital Management Consultancy
i商業 / 顧問icwhkfp

Food Photography 食物攝影 食物相片 可參考以下网址​ www.123maxphoto.Wix.com/food-92018763max 其它攝影,珠寶,產品,廣告,相片可參考以下网址​ Portfolio : www.fotop.net/maxphoto Max Lee : 92018763
1攝影及影音 / 攝影123maxphoto

善於建構個人藝術作品集(Art portfolio),DSE -SBA,啟發學生創意及創造力,具多年教授特殊學習需要學生的經驗。
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